Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Update to injury

Good news! The orthopedic surgeon said that my quad suffered a partial tear - which means NO SURGERY! He also said that it will take 6 weeks to 3 months for a full recovery. Thank you for all of your prayers!

During my "down time", I have been doing alot of reading. During our VBS in Woodland Park this past week, I started a section called Merciful Sovereignty in the book "Breaking the Bondage of Legalism" - it began with a question - "What areas is the Lord putting His finger on in your life? Usually it is areas of control. God is the Sovereign Lord and He resists all of our efforts to usurp that control from Him." The next paragraph covered areas that we may not be "giving up". Things like power struggles at home, church or work, becoming territorial in a ministry, thinking I am always right, power struggle with God, or is God exposing a critical, judgemental spirit? Am I resisting His grace? Too proud of ministry successes? Convinced that God needs my service for His kingdom?

Wow already. Here's the next line...

"If any of these things are true of your life, don't be surprised if God slips a rope around your leg and hobbles you."

Listen, I didn't trip, didn't fall in a hole, didn't run into anybody, didn't even make it to first base...I am telling you, that was my answer to prayer - God slipped a rope and hobbled me. I am thankful and praising God even though I don't have all of the details. I desire to live in the realm of the impossible where I have to put total trust in Him - for God to be able to do the impossible, we can't have any control, none at all. If we have any "just-in-case's" left over, He still cannot work.

Be Disciples.


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